Connect people to place.
Take care of the land.
Take care of the people.

Having deep-rooted origins as an adventure tourism business operating premier hiking and adventure tours for 30 years as Hiking New Zealand Ltd, we have remained intimately connected with the captivating natural beauty of New Zealand since our establishment.

As a responsible tourism company, our core objective has always been to give back to the land that has nurtured us. Over time, the urgency to protect New Zealand's biodiversity has become increasingly apparent. Consequently, it became evident that we needed to take decisive action.

The opportunity to super-charge our commitment to conservation came during the pandemic, thanks to Jobs for Nature.

Thus, Southern Rewilding was born, driven by an unwavering commitment to ensure that forthcoming generations relish the same awe-inspiring corners of New Zealand that we hold dear.

Since 2021, our dedicated conservation teams have been engaged in predator control operations in Arthur’s Pass National Park, directly safeguarding critically endangered species like the Kākāriki Karaka, Mohua, and Whio.

Simultaneously, our adept planting team has been diligently establishing new pockets of precious habitat in Canterbury and on Chatham Island.

Our Values


We are dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of Aotearoa's environment, with an unwavering focus on creating enduring change.


We demand accountability from ourselves and uphold an unwavering commitment to the highest standard of quality.


By working together we can make a significant contribution to the enhancement and restoration of New Zealand's biodiversity and leave a lasting legacy.


Through our conservation efforts, we strive to nurture a harmonious relationship between people and the land, ensuring its well-being for generations to come.

Meet the Team

We are a small, intimately connected and devoted team, bound together by a shared goal to safeguard the environment of New Zealand.

Anne Murphy Southern Rewilding

  • Co Owner and Managing Director

    Being raised in rural New Zealand, it came as no shock that Anne returned to her roots and gravitated towards outdoor work. Anne experimented with a city lifestyle after obtaining a commerce degree, but abandoned the corporate world after meeting Dan. She serves as the catalyst for our team, ensuring everything runs smoothly and efficiently, like a well-oiled machine.

Martin-Leslie Southern Rewilding

  • Operations

    Martin's profound fascination with the wonders of the natural world has been a driving force throughout his life. Having pursued a degree in Earth Sciences, he embarked on a fulfilling career as a high school teacher, specialising in outdoor and environmental education. After gaining valuable experience as a guide, Martin assumed a leadership position at Hiking New Zealand. His lifelong immersion in nature has instilled within him an unwavering commitment to conservation, leading him to spearhead our Predator Control team since its inception in 2020.

Dan Murphy Southern Rewilding

  • Co Owner and Managing Director

    Dan's unwavering passion for the great outdoors has been a defining aspect of his life. His journey began in agriculture but swiftly transitioned to the realm of tourism. As the co-owner of Hiking New Zealand, Dan has always eagerly embraced the integration of conservation into his professional endeavours. Seizing every chance to escape the confines of the office, he dives into hands-on activities such as trapping, planting, or venturing through the hills with a chainsaw to combat the encroachment of wilding conifers.

Oliver Evans Southern Rewilding

  • Tree Planting Team Leader

    Hailing from Canada, Oli relocated to New Zealand following his retirement as a professional cyclist. With a strong desire to stay connected to the outdoors, he explored the back country of New Zealand and was immediately captivated by the unique flora and fauna and equally impressed by the strong conservation values of the Kiwis he met along the way. This lead to Oli joining our predator control team. Embracing his true passion, Oli now utilises his enduring stamina to lead the planting team across Canterbury and Chatham Island.

Contact us

PO Box 331
Canterbury, 7400

“We have developed a great partnership with Southern Rewilding and their dedication to our planting is evident throughout the project. We appreciate their attention to detail and get it done attitude. Being such a large and isolated project, they have just made every planting season a breeze. Me rongo.”

— Levi Lanauze, T’chieki Farms and Forests, Chatham Island